Bamboozle is a game show where the contestents have to answer quiz questions based on general knowlege. It has several interesting twists, such as the wheel of fortune and the wicked wango card. The scores are based on a point system depending on the participants answers and luck on the wheel. The winner at the end is 'Bamboozled' and goes home with a cash prize.
The Game show, Bamboozle, will be converged in several ways. Firstly it will feature as a computer game for the wii, xbox and playstation, and also as a download for your iPhone. This allows the audience to participate in the game, even if they are not able to go on the show. The show will have it's own website, in which live episodes can be watched, which has several features such as being able to choose which camera to watch the show from, allowing them to see the contestents faces and expressions close up, and to be immersed in the action. It will feature profiles from all the previous winnerss of the show, and have competions and downloads available. The main feature of the website, however, is that people can sign up to be included in the draw to be contestents on the next show. A selcetion of people get chosen at random, who then have to complete another task before they are entered into the show.
The game show will also be converged into a children's version, which can be accessed at any tim the main show is playing be pressing the red button. Production Converegnce will affect the production stage as the competetors are picked by the internet website. The porduction team will have to create several on stage cameras for the website feature of allowing the consumer to view the stage and the action in 3D while the show is live.
Marketing This will improve due the wide audience appeal, as the game is availaable for children, and as a video game, which allows families to take part themselves at home. Advertising will appear via TV, websites and on similar products on sale.
Exhibition This will change as the audience can stream the show direct to their iPhone app. The show will also be available online, and of course on TV.
Technologies The show will need specialist cameras to allow the inernet audience to view the show live with a 3D, self viewing feature.
Consumption The show will be available online, on the iPhone app, but also through the game versions, the website and the childrens version.
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