Thursday, 10 February 2011

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is a new version of internet which actually allows users to interact with the subject, rather than just consuming it. users can create their own media to post on websites, get feeback, discuss things, create their own blogs or profiles and interact with each other.
websites such as youtube does just that, anyone can create a video, post it online, get people to comment on it, and watch others' videos. Also social networks such as faceook, and blogs allow users to create profile to post information, pictures, videos and opinions for other people to view.
Advantages of Web 2.0 are that it has majorly developed the internet and the amount of people using it. information can be shared extreemly quickly and relatively cheaply. people can connect with each other from all over the world to share information. Internet site companies have made a lot of money out of web 2.0 sites, such as youtube and facbook. information can be gathered and collected to one place for millions of people to view.
Disadvantages of web 2.0 are there are major issues with copyright, as it is easy to post music and films online for others to download for free. this is unfair to the creators of the media, who for producing it should get profits from it. Also, as anyone can post things, it is not always true.  

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