Saturday 2 October 2010

Question 6- What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this project?

In constructing this preliminary project i have learnt many things about producing a short film. Firstly, I learnt how to use a film camera properly, as i had never used one before, and the importance of using a tripod to keep it still. The tripod was very useful when moving a camera in a certain direction, as it stayed still while moving, so was still. I learnt that it is helpful to film a shot more than once in case something went wrong with that first go, and that will save us having to re-shoot it during editing. We found it fairly easy to create the actual shot types that we'd learnt about.
With editing, we were still getting used to using the software, so we learnt a lot. The program that we'd used was very easy and simple to use, so we found it quite straight forward. We selected the shots that were right for the final film, and cut them so they fit smoothly together. we then added a few transitions, such as fade in and fade to black and white. we added a sound effect of the telephone ringing, which actually turned out really well. We also added other sound effects and music to certain parts of the film, which we found quite difficult at first to get the hang of. We also added a title shot at the beginning, and also end credits.
I have learnt a great deal about film production through this task, and it has been really useful to use the equipment for the first time.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a good start to the technical side of things Alana.
