Friday 1 October 2010

Thriller Research

Yesterday we looked at the opening 3 minutes of three thriller films.

The Book of Eli
Directed by the Hughes brothers
Starring Denzel Washington
Sub-Genre: Post-apocalyptic action

This opening was set in dark forest. There were lots of shadows, a classic feature of Thriller films, and the trees surround the action in this scene to make them look like bars, symbolising being trapped and isolated. The colours used in this scene were mainly blues, greys and black. There was a heavy wind sound in the background, which actually began before the film had started, signifying a feeling of isolation. The are what seems to be falling leaves, or ash, from the sky throughout this scene. This could symbolise falling society. The camera runs along at ground level, giving us a view of a gun, and a dead body, which overall gives us the idea of the the theme of death. I think the camera films at this angle to give us an idea of being a forest animal, watching the following events, but also to give us an impression on how the main character lives, which as we see later on in this scene, is quite primal, and creature-like.
A cat comes into the scene, which could possibly signify innocence; a victim which is also a typical thriller character. This scene seems to move at a slow pace, which builds up suspense.
Then the character is introduced. He is breathing heavily, indicating anticipation, as if something is about to happen. You do not see this figure's face, and so you are unable to determine whether he is a good or bad character. The whole scene gives the impression of watching, and being watched, another typical Thriller theme.

Directed by Rian Johnson
Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt

This opening begins with the sound of some kind of simple percussion instrument that has a slightly tinny sound, and guitar. This creates a really eerie sound, and the impression of mystery, and things not being all that they seem. There is running water, a typical thriller them. There is a dead girl, which means death, and also she is a victim, a venerable woman. The sewer tunnel which is where we see first symbolises trappment, darkness, and isolation. The main character seems very isolated and also, unlike classic thriller themes, he also seems like a victim in some ways.
There are several camera angles in which we see the boy's feet. This could be the point of view of the dead girl, lying on the ground and watching everything he does from ground level. The next scene we see is set a few days earlier, as the boy as he receives a letter from the dead girl. A public telephone rings, which seems odd as we don't expect to get calls to phone booths. This adds mystery to the scene. The girl on the other end of the phone sounds scared, hurt, either emotionally or physically, which again makes her seem like the victim. We do not know what she is talking about, which adds suspense as we want to find out why she is so upset. Then a fast, black car drives past. This is obviously the bad guy, as the driver also flicks a cigarette out the window, which we associate with baddies. The cigarette is filmed on the floor as it still burns away, symbolising a life burning away.

Directed by Mathieu Kassovitz
Starring Halle Berry
Sub-Genre: Supernatural/ Horror

The opening scene begins with slow, cello music, before the film actually begins. This creates a very spooky, creepy impression on the audience, so they know that the rest of the film is likely to be quite scary. This music also creates anticipation, wanting to know what will happen that will make the audience so scared. The opening credits are white/ blue on black; typical horror film colours. They fade/ disappear backwards, to signify real life separating from supernatural, also something running away, trying to escape. The girl talking appears to be the victim of this film, but she also seems quite crazy and phycho. The woman interviewing her by contrast seems quite controlled, and organised, portraying her as the heroine of this film. The are a lot of dark shadows, creating a mysterious atmosphere, like the is something that is being hidden. These two women are in a cage. This is a typical thriller theme, the idea that they are being trapped, or possibly either protected from the outside, or to protect us from what is inside. The scene is shot to make us feel like we are watching from outside the bars, as innocent onlookers being protected from what is being kept inside.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work Alana. Your depth of analysis is good, particularly regarding symbolism and colour. Make sure you refer to the typical themes as conventions. m
